La Fundación Vive Feliz en Panamá ya considera proyectos a futuro inmediato, como son el mejorar el Centro de Orientación y Capacitación para las Madres Solteras; crear y organizar otros comedores infantiles en el interior del país; construir viviendas para aquellas familias donde hace falta la figura del padre y que viven en condiciones infrahumanas; mejorar las condiciones sociales en áreas recónditas y apartadas para que cuenten con agua potable, escuelas, hospitales, entre otros servicios básicos que necesitan urgentemente estas comunidades, en especial niños y mujeres.
The Live Happily Foundation in Panama already considers carrying out projects in the near future, such as the improvement of the Training and Orientation Center for the Single Mothers. One more project will be to create and to organize other infant and elder dining centers in the countryside and in the Indian reservations; to build houses for those families whose fathers abandoned the homes; and who live in subhuman conditions. Also, another objective is to improve the social and living conditions in far away areas in order to provide to them fresh/tab water, schools, among other basic services that these communities urgently need; especially children and single women.
To build houses, infrastructures, health centers and adequate Sports areas for the families in far away communities, as well as in poor areas in the urban areas.